From the Principal
It’s been a big week in…
…community events at vlog. We’re certainly finishing Term 3 with a bang, having had the following school-wide events all in just this week!
- Term 3 Mass: with the theme Season of Creation. Thanks to the Year 11 EDGE class who led the organisation of mass, with assistance from student leaders across the college. Fr Justin drew out key themes of Identity, Belonging, and Purpose, reinforcing the value each of us inherently has as we are made in the image and likeness of God.
- Senior Music Showcase evening: A joyous celebration of musical talent. Thanks to our Music Programs Coordinators Alison Bellew & Emily McKenzie and our dedicated music staff.
- Term 3 Assembly: We celebrated excellence across the college, with many academic, sporting and music achievements acknowledged, along with highlighting excellence across our Spirit of Aquinas values: Belonging, Stewardship, Perseverance, Justice, Compassion and Spirituality.
- Term 3 Family Mass: Thanks to the Year 10 Edge & Year 11 RE Music classes who prepared and led the mass celebrating Dads and the significant men in our lives, with Fr Peter presiding.
- CIS Review: Thanks to the many staff, student, parent representatives, and the School Advisory Council have all met with CIS Evaluators across 4 days this week (see below for further details).
- Fair Trade Fair: Congratulations to the Social Justice group running the Fair Trade fair across this week, highlighting issues with unfair work conditions overseas and how we can help these through considered purchasing choices.
- RUOK Day: Thursday marked RUOK Day, with this year’s theme of “Ask RUOK any day” noting the importance of looking after our own and others’ mental health at all times.
- Year 8 Retreats: An important part of our Catholic faith development is the chance to step away and reflect, as each Year 8 House group di across the last 3 days this week
Finally, I am honoured to be ending the week by joining some of our Year 12 Indigenous students and the VCEA Year 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Graduation Dinner on Friday night.
Year 12 Practice exams
In the second week of the upcoming break, our Year 12 VCE students will sit their Practice examinations. These exams provide vital feedback to staff and each student about the areas they need to focus on most heavily in the lead up to the VCE Examinations in October/November. As this week’s assembly highlighted, excellence is not a single action but a continuous practice: it’s about making small, consistent choices every day that align with our goals and values.
Review season
The final fortnight at Aquinas also plays host to three different types of cyclical review,
- MACSSIS survey: Thanks to the many parents who have already contributed to the annual MACSSISS survey. The survey remains open until Friday 20 September, so we encourage all parents to please have your say to improve the future of our college. If you have misplaced your MACSSIS login details, please contact
- CIS Preparatory Evaluation visit: across 4 days this week, we hosted two evaluators from the Council of International Schools (CIS) as we begin the process of renewing our strategic plan for 2025-2029. They expressed their admiration for our COllege, particularly alignment of staff, students and parents in expressing the vision and Aquinas values and the articulate contributions from students.
- VRQA quadrennial compliance: Next Monday, we complete the 4-year cyclical review of compliance as required by the VRQA (Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority).
Mid-semester break
We wish all staff, students and families a restful mid-semester break…and good luck to you team for the finals (my Pies are having a ‘final bye’ year). Please note that the entire College will be closed from Monday 23 - Friday 27 September.
Key Dates | Event |
Monday 16 September
‘Let’s Dance’ VCE Dance showcase, 7.30 - 9pm, Mahon Theatre
Friday 20 September
Final student day for Term 3
Mon 23 - Fri 27 Sept
Office & Finance closed for Mid-semester break
Monday 30 September
Office & Finance re-opens
Mon 30 September - Thurs 3 October
Year 12 Practice Exams
Monday 7 October
Staff Professional Learning Day - Wellbeing Student-Free Day
Tuesday 8 October
Office & Finance reopen for Term 3 All students resume for Term 3
David Broadbent